

In 2019, Colorado passed SB19-085 or the 同工同酬法案 (EPEWA). EPEWA 将于2021年1月1日生效. 该法案的目的是解决薪酬差距问题 caused by sex-based discrimination and to promote transparency across Colorado’s workforce.

The 北科罗拉多大学 is committed to providing an equitable and supportive 为员工提供的环境.

UNC, with the aid of David Drown Associates (DDA), set upon the task of evaluating employee classification and compensation across campus. 经过DDA的审查,大学 does not anticipate wide-spread salary changes; a reduction or elimination of jobs; or changes to an employee’s current working title or job duties.


The act protects employees against pay discrimination based on sex (including gender identity) — alone or in combination with other protected statuses — for substantially similar work in terms of skill, effort and responsibility, regardless of job title.

  • 《皇冠app安卓下载安装》适用于谁?

    EPEWA applies to all employers and employees in the state 科罗拉多, both public 和私人.

    雇主 is defined as the state or any political subdivision, commission, department, institution, or school district thereof, and every other person employing a person in the state.

    员工 被定义为受雇于雇主的人.

  • 科罗拉多州的同工同酬法案有什么要求?

    EPEWA有几个组成部分. 其中一些规定如下:

    1.  禁止工资歧视 by requiring that an employer shall not discriminate between employees on the basis of sex, or on the basis of sex in combination with another protected status, by paying an employee of one sex 工资率 less than the rate paid to an employee of a different sex for substantially similar work (based on a composite of skill; effort, which may include consideration of shift work; and responsibility), regardless of job title. A 工资率 differential is permissible if at least one of the following factors accounts 对于整个工资率差异:
      • 年资制度;
      • 绩效制度;
      • A system that measures earnings by quantity or quality of production;
      • 工作进行的地理位置;
      • Education, training, or experience to the extent that they are reasonably related to the work in question; or
      • 旅行, if the travel is a regular and necessary condition of the work performed.
    2. 该法案要求雇主 to keep records of job descriptions and 工资率 history for each employee for the duration of 就业 plus two years after the end of 就业.

    3. 该法案要求 notice of job openings and promotional opportunities, including the hourly or salary rate or range, and a general description of all of the benefits and other compensation offered to the hired applicant.

    4. 禁止使用工资记录 for prospective employees by requiring that an employer shall not seek the 工资率 history, or rely on the 工资率 history, of a prospective employee to determine 工资率.  Discrimination or retaliation against a prospective employee for failing 禁止披露工资率历史.

  • EPEWA允许工资差异吗? 

    Yes, the law does account for pay differences accounting for:

    • 资历
    • 优点
    • 教育、培训和经验
    • 地理位置
    • 旅行
    • 生产的数量/质量
  • 法律禁止什么?
    • Seeking or using 工资率 history to determine an employee’s 工资率
    • 歧视和报复
      • Against prospective employees for failing to display their current pay rate
      • Against current employees because they inquired about, disclosed or discussed their 工资率


UNC partnered with David Drown Associates to complete the initial review of all UNC 雇员类别及薪酬. 有关完整流程的信息,请发送至 员工,请参考 同工同酬备忘录




UNC and DDA used three modes of review to examine employee compensation:

  • 分类


    The 分类 positions continued to use the grading system approved by the State 科罗拉多. 


    分类 employees were sorted by the job classification, then by pay 年级, then by years in position and then by salary to determine if there were any differences 基本相似职位按性别划分. 相同的过程被用于 exempt and 教师 staff was then applied with the same causes (任期内, Market, Special Skills) to determine the rationale for salary differences for employees in the same 年级.

    Where we were unable to determine a rationale for the salary difference, the employee’s salary was brought up to the level of the employee within the same 年级. 39岁的员工 had their salaries adjusted, with a cost of over $50,000 对于所有的调整

  • 免除


    免除 staff were sorted into job families, then by Decision Band Method© (DBM) 年级, 最后是工资.


    Where there was a difference in salary for employees in the same job family and DBM 等级,我们调查确定原因. 工资差异可能是普遍的 由以下原因之一解释:

    • 任期内
    • Market (such as a position where there is a scarcity of qualified employees)
    • 特殊技能

    In those cases where we were unable to determine a rationale for the salary difference, the employee’s salary was brought up to the level of the employee within the same job family, DBM 年级, and tenure that most closely matched their own. 60人以上 had their salaries adjusted, with a cost of over $300,000 对于所有的调整.

  • 教师


    教师 were sorted - first by Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code, 然后是级别,最后是薪水.


    For 教师 where we were unable to determine a rationale for the salary difference, the employee’s salary was brought up to the level of the employee within the same CIP代码和等级. 15 employees had their salaries adjusted, with a cost of over $100,000 对于所有的调整.

For more information on David Drown Associates Company and their policies related to compensation and classification, please visit the 您的网站