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For Survivors

We believe you.

The Assault Survivors Advocacy Program is here for you.  We believe you and we will be here to support you.  ASAP is a confidential resource, meaning what you share with us, stays with us.  

Confidentiality Statement

Everything you share with ASAP is confidential except for a few exceptions. 

    • Current abuse of a minor (someone under 18)
    • Current abuse of a vulnerable adult (someone over the age of 70 or an adult with a disability including intellectual, developmental, or physical)
    • An abusive adult who has access to children
    • If you tell us that you are going to hurt someone or yourself.

If your questions or concerns involve something that is listed you can still speak to an advocate anonymously. 

It was not your fault. 

Many survivors of gender-based violence feel some form of responsibility for what happened to them. Nothing you did or did not do caused this to happen. Gender-based violence occurs because someone chooses to commit these acts of violence. 

Take care of yourself. 

Experiencing any form of gender-based violence can be emotionally and physically stressful. Survivors have a lot of different reactions and emotions and there is no right or wrong way to react. It is not uncommon to have trouble sleeping, eating, going to class, or completing homework, or having feelings of fear and anxiety. ASAP is here to help, and advocates are available to help you navigate through this difficult time. Speaking to an advocate can help you know your options, connect with campus and community resources, and receive support. 

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