
Freedom of Expression in the Community of Bears

"言论自由 is an essential part of our democracy.  A part of university education is to wrestle with ideas and language that are different from our own, and ideally, engage in dialogue about that difference. The intersections of free speech, academic freedom, and inclusion are some of the most important topics for us to navigate as 一个社区. Bears' involvement in civic engagement and exercising freedom 的表达 supports their full participation in a democratic society."

- Dr. Jenna Finley, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs

The University believes that its distinctive service to society can only be offered in a student-centered atmosphere of integrity that is grounded in honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. For this reason, the University is committed to promoting an environment in which:

  • academic integrity is valued and expected;
  • excellence is sought and rewarded;
  • teaching and learning flourish;
  • diversity of thought and culture is respected;
  • intellectual freedom is preserved; and
  • 机会均等

Womens march at the capital building.

As a public institution, UNC recognizes and upholds the First Amendment rights granted to individuals and groups to engage in free speech and exercise their right to participate in freedom 的表达 activities on campus. Members of the UNC community should anticipate they will be exposed to beliefs and ideas differing from their own as part 学习环境.



  • Be informed of academic/community standards, expectations, and requirements
  • Participate in free and open discussion, both in and outside the classroom, while also keeping in mind the communal impact of such discussions
  • Assemble and select speakers/guests to discuss topics of their choice with a forum and demeanor that provides educational opportunities for dialogue
  • Peacefully protest, assemble, rally, sit-in, and engage in demonstrations in diverse manners; collective action, symbolism and online demonstrations

Regardless of position or platform, individuals and groups may engage in peaceful 校园集会.

At such gatherings, UNC expects the rights of all persons to be respected and that there will be no endangerment to the health or safety of the community. 和平集会 should in no way disrupt the normal operations of University functions or endanger individuals or University property. UNC’s policies around Peaceful Assembly can be 发现于 董事会政策手册(1-1-410).


  • 辩论
  • 示威活动
  • 游行
  • 会议
  • 抗议活动
  • 集会
  • 静坐
  • 演讲
  • 守夜


  • Threaten or violate University policies
  • Interfere with University business, schedules, or events
  • 侵犯他人权利
  • Endanger the health/safety of others
  • 损坏或毁坏财产

A women holds a sign reading 'Demand Systemic Change' at the Juneteenth march.


  • It is recommended that persons/organizations planning or initiating assemblies on campus identify their group affiliation and state their purposes to the appropriate personnel in advance for safety and security of all University community members.
  • Areas may be reserved through 会议 & Event Services, if available, to accommodate 所需的装配.
  • The person/organization sponsoring a speaker or assembly is responsible for following all University policies, including those on peaceful assembly and student freedom 的表达.



学生外展及支援 helps make connections to other university and community 资源.

Learn more about 学生外展及支援


The UNC 咨询中心 provides free, short-term, confidential counseling services 给皇冠app官方版下载的学生.

Learn more about the 咨询中心

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The diversity within our university is a distinct advantage that we celebrate and 培养. We ensure learning occurs through meaningful discussion of shared and different experiences, viewpoints, and ideas.

Learn more about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


The 熊投票联盟 actively champions voter and civic engagement initiatives 皇冠app官方版下载校园社区.

Learn more about the 熊投票联盟

Want to learn more about freedom 的表达 in the university community?

看看这些 Campus Speech Frequently Asked Questions from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).