

There is a fatal drug overdose in Colorado every 4 hours, 45 minutes and 9 seconds. 作为一个州,自2000年以来,我们已经失去了近1.8万人. 通过教育 yourself about how to reduce the risk of opioid overdose, you are helping to foster a collaborative culture that values and supports the health and safety of your community 熊.


Use the buttons below to take a brief, virtual training and order your free 烯丙羟吗啡酮 还有芬太尼试纸.
Interested in a more detailed, in-person training about Narcan administration?

Overdose Prevention trainings are open to all students, faculty, and staff. 如果你 interested in a 烯丙羟吗啡酮 training for your department or organization, you can request 下图:



Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is similar to morphine but is 50 to 100 威力倍增. 合成阿片类药物,包括芬太尼,现在是最常见的 与美国药物过量死亡有关的药物.


根据美国.S. 美国缉毒局(DEA),占所有假药的42% 测试的药片含有潜在致命剂量的芬太尼. 致命剂量的芬太尼 can be as little as 2 mg, depending on a person’s body size, tolerance and past usage--that's 一滴雨滴或几粒盐. 



Fentanyl can be found in non-prescription 物质 purchased anywhere other than 一家药店. 贩毒者经常将芬太尼与其他药物混合,因为它更便宜 用芬太尼制造快感. 芬太尼可以粉末状,胶囊状, or can be pressed into counterfeit pills that are made to look like prescription opioids, such as oxycodone (Oxycontin®, Percocet®) and hydrocodone (Vicodin®); alprazolam (Xanax®); 或兴奋剂,如安非他明(Adderall®).  你还能在哪里找到芬太尼?

  • 芬太尼有时与海洛因混在一起,但药效要强得多.
  • Meth and cocaine are sometimes cut with fentanyl to reduce the cost of production.
  • Many drug suppliers mix fentanyl with meth or oxy, and then add red, yellow or blue 食用色素制成一种叫做摇头丸的药丸.

As a result, people who use drugs can easily and unknowingly ingest a lethal dose 芬太尼的.

Which of the following pills is a genuine pharmaceutical, and which is counterfeit?

Photo of blue pills on the left with engraved markings from an authentic producer of pills. 一条红线. 然后是雕刻几乎完全相同的药片,但却是假药. 资料来源:DEA (http://www).dea.gov / onepill)



芬太尼试纸条可以检测芬太尼的存在. 然而,这很重要 要知道 阴性结果并不意味着没有芬太尼的存在. For example, fentanyl may exist in an untested area of a pill, or the pill may contain 一种不同的合成阿片类药物. 为了有效,芬太尼试纸需要 应按照说明使用,如 这些

two chocolate chip cookies are shown and the danger is if you test one part of the cookie it may be negative but the cookie still contains fentanyl


Opioid overdose is life-threatening and requires immediate emergency attention. 这是 important 要知道 signs of a drug overdose vary depending on the substance the 用户摄取. 这是 not always obvious when someone is 用药, and a common misconception is that a person has to be obviously unconscious or in severe distress to have an 过量服用,但情况并非总是如此.

记住: It isn’t necessary for someone to be showing every symptom listed to be 用药--exhibiting 甚至一个症状都可能是服药过量的征兆.

  • If you suspect someone is experiencing an opioid overdose, immediately consider the 以下行动可以拯救他们的生命:
    • 如果你在校园里,请致电皇冠app官方版下载警察局 970-351-2245 让急救人员提供医疗支援. 如果你不在学校,打电话 911.
    • 如果有的话给纳洛酮. 将Narcan®鼻腔喷雾剂喷入一个鼻孔或注射 肌注纳洛酮进入上臂或大腿.
    • If the person is not breathing, do rescue breathing (mouth-to-mouth) or CPR if you 知道如何.
    • 等两分钟让对方回应. 继续进行人工呼吸(或心肺复苏术) 训练). 如果病人在两分钟后没有反应,就给第二剂 纳洛酮的.
    • Lay the person on their side in the rescue position, so they do not choke if they 呕吐物.
    • 等待救援.



  • 纳洛酮是纳洛酮®的通用名称.
  • Naloxone (Narcan®) only works on opioids (such as heroin, fentanyl and prescription 止痛药),但即使不存在阿片类药物,使用起来也是安全的.
  • Anyone who needs 烯丙羟吗啡酮 can get it at participating pharmacies, without a prescription. This includes people at risk of 用药 and people who may witness someone else 用药.
  • There are different ways to administer 烯丙羟吗啡酮—either as a 喷鼻剂 or 通过肌内注射.


  • 哪里可以找到纳洛酮(Narcan®)?

    如果你或你认识的人有服用过量的风险,现在就服用纳洛酮. 很容易 和快速. 科罗拉多州有200多家药店出售纳洛酮,任何人都可以买到 站的订单. 也就是说你今天就能拿到. 向你的药剂师询问纳洛酮 or 参考我们的地图,点击这里找到你附近的药店. Then walk into a participating pharmacy and ask for 烯丙羟吗啡酮 — you don’t need a prescription.  (注意药房可能需要订购纳洛酮.)

  • 我能不能买纳洛酮有或没有保险?

    The cost 纳洛酮的 without prescription coverage is about $45 for the multi-step intramuscular injection, $85 for the multi-step 喷鼻剂, and $150 for the single-step 喷鼻剂.  许多保险公司承保纳洛酮的费用很少,甚至没有. 检查 还有你的健康保险. 药剂师也可以帮你选择最实惠的 option.

    纳洛酮可通过邮局免费邮寄 北科罗拉多健康联盟. 它也可以免费从 北科罗拉多健康网络 (also known as NCAP, or Northern Colorado Access Point), located just off the UNC 大学:

    807 17th 街D座
    格里利,CO 80631


For cases of emergency, nasal-spray 烯丙羟吗啡酮 doses have been placed in each AED (automatic 体外除颤器)装置位于皇冠app官方版下载校园内.
In an on-campus emergency, call UNC Police Department at 970-351-2245 to be guided 到你附近的AED,并开始与急救人员接触.



科罗拉多 911好撒玛利亚人法 states that a person is immune from criminal prosecution for an offense when the person reports, in good faith, an emergency drug or alcohol overdose even to a law 执法人员,911系统,或者医疗服务提供者. 同样的免疫力 applies to persons who remain at the scene of the event until a law enforcement officer or an emergency medical responder arrives, or if the person remains at the facilities of the medical provider until a law enforcement officer, emergency medical responder, 或者医疗人员来了. 上述豁免也适用于个人 是谁突发药物或酒精过量事件.

一项相关的科罗拉多州法律(第三方纳洛酮C.R.S. §18-1-712) allows for a person other than a health care provider or health care facility who acts in good faith to administer 烯丙羟吗啡酮 to another person whom the person believes 服用了过量的鸦片类药物. 服用纳洛酮的人 应免除对这种行为的刑事起诉. 这条法律一直被 修订将豁免延伸至服用过期纳洛酮的个人.

Finally, fentanyl test strips are legal to possess in Colorado, and they are 排除在毒品用具的定义之外.


If you have been having second thoughts about your own pattern of drug or alcohol 使用,皇冠app官方版下载校园提供帮助.  所有社区成员(学生和员工) 是否可以访问我们的 咨询中心. 学生也可以皇冠app官方版下载健康促进办事处 (原健康促进办公室)或 学生健康服务 支持.  如对本网页内容有任何疑问,我们鼓励 以电邮方式联络健康促进办事处 HealthPromotion@modonexpress.net.