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Our Black is beautiful

皇冠app安卓下载安装 the Marcus Garvey Cultural Center

The Marcus Garvey Cultural Center was established in 1983 in response to the unique needs of students who identified as Black and/or African American. The purpose of the center was, and continues to exist as a space where students feel supported. In addition to the primary focus of supporting students, the staff of the Marcus Garvey Cultural Center also assists in the education and cultural advancement of the broader university community, highlighting the experiences and culture of people who identify with or within the African diaspora.



We provide a place of emotional safety, which includes favorable conditions and opportunities, in order to support holistic growth and development, for Black Diasporic students, staff, 和老师. 



We prioritize a relational, culturally informed community development model that removes barriers to access at the university and access to resources and support in the MGCC.  



We will build relationships within our community through an open-door center model, hosting and collaborating on educational, social, civic and university engagement, and through advisement and partnership with student and civic organizations that prioritize Black Diasporic students, staff 和老师.  

Operating Philosophy

Take advantage of every opportunity; where there is none, make it for yourself (Marcus M. 加维). We do this by utilizing the following foundational concepts:  

  1. Umoja unity of the family, community, and race; We engage in stewardship within our community through support and engagement across campus & 事件.
  2. 欧斯 to go back and get it; We engage our community through mentoring and advising relationships, in order to create continuity and legacy on campus.
  3. Ubuntu I am because we are; We engage in personal and interpersonal development and exploration, in order to create understanding, competency and skill acquisition for community members.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students will:

  • Describe their salient and intersecting identities
  • Describe the role and purpose of community
  • Exhibit a sense of community-mindedness
  • Describe factors that impact the health and wellness for themselves
  • Develop a plan for student academic success
  • Demonstrate interpersonal and intrapersonal skills

Priorities for the Center


MGCC’s education priority is to create and continue building an environment focused on the academic success of students.


MGCC’s unity priority is to create opportunities for the community to come together to uplift, support, and guide one another with care. Umoja!


MGCC’s security priority is to continually work towards providing safe, nurturing 空间.

Social Development

MGCC’s social development priority is to build and maintain relationships through event planning and community outreach. Additionally, we aim to foster safe 空间 to engage in critical thinking.


MGCC’s economics priority is to educate and support students learning and practice around financial concerns.


MGCC’s political priority is create opportunities to learn about and engage in the political landscape.