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Setting the Stage for Student Success

The new Campus Commons Performance Hall has set the stage for students like sophomore Louis Morales to take his work to a whole new level. “It really does make the biggest 影响. It means the world to us,” Louis says. “这让我很惊讶 all the time, in a good way, the generosity that other people have. 当他们来的时候 together it can create 像这样的东西.”

Ever since Louis Morales first set foot in 7th grade orchestra, he’s been smitten with 音乐.  
“I never had any experience with 音乐 before that; I’ve been in orchestra ever since 然后. My love for 音乐 has only grown since that day,” Louis says.  
Like many students, Louis came to UNC for the elite 音乐 program, and it hasn’t disappointed. With a little help and guidance from what he calls his “Frasier Family,” one day he hopes to play upright bass with a professional symphony or philharmonic.  
“Being able to perform, being able to write about 音乐, so 音乐ology, I would love to do all that together,” Louis says.  
But as a sophomore, that’s still a few years away. For now, he’s enjoying the brand-new addition to campus that’s elevating everyone’s work – the Campus Commons Performance Hall.  
Louis got his first taste of the space during the Campaign for UNC Celebration last 春天.  
“It was amazing sitting and listening to a variety of performances in there,” Louis recalls. “Just the projection, it sounded like the performers were right there in front of 你. It was very exciting to know that I would also be performing here in this hall; that I’m going to be able to project like that. Just thinking about the possibilities - I was like a kid in a candy store.”  
And just a few short months later, it was finally his turn to take the stage.   
“My first performance in the space was called, Hear the Hall. It was our first curricular performance to be held in the performance hall,” Louis says. “We performed a number of pieces to demonstrate the capabilities of the Performance Hall, from very quiet pieces to really abrupt and loud, just everywhere across that spectrum of 音乐. 听觉上, it sounds incredible.”  
Louis also says the space is the perfect size for student performances and in the 理想的位置.  
“It feels really good, personally, not having to lug my instrument all the way downtown for performances, especially since last year I didn’t have a car,” he says. “就我个人而言,我 very grateful just to have it right here. It feels really good to say that I’m going to OUR performance hall.” 
It’s a special space where Louis can hone his craft. A space where he feels at home. A space that envelopes him in sound and allows him to take his work to another level.   
“It really does make the biggest 影响. It means the world to us. 这让我很惊讶 all the time, in a good way, the generosity that other people have. 当他们来的时候 together it can create 像这样的东西.”  
