

2500万美元的捐赠,皇冠app官方版下载历史上最大的一笔,加速了骨科学院的计划 医学

北科罗拉多大学的愿景是满足日益增长的关键需求 for doctors across the state just received a major endorsement. 韦尔德信托公司 承诺拨款2500万美元专门用于该大学拟议的骨科学院 医学.

北科罗拉多大学的愿景是满足日益增长的关键需求 for doctors across the state just received a major endorsement. 韦尔德信托公司 承诺拨款2500万美元专门用于该大学拟议的骨科学院 医学. It’s the largest single 礼物 in the school’s history and a transformational 投资将支持加强科罗拉多州医疗保健队伍的努力 and address the physician shortage.   

韦尔德信托 慈善基金会是向非营利组织、学校提供资助的吗 政府机构在健康和教育方面的项目和项目 焊缝县. 的 organization has specific key funding initiatives within their purview including grants supporting significant capital projects. 

“这是韦尔德信托公司迄今为止承诺的最大一笔赠款。” shared Tom Grant, board chair for 韦尔德信托. “As an organization focused on health and education, we are proud and thrilled to award this grant to the UNC College of 整骨疗法的医学. A project of this magnitude dictates the need for collaboration and financial support toward building a strong foundation. We are honored to get the funding for this momentous project underway. We anticipate this medical school will 最终为医疗领域带来巨大的变化,尤其是我们的 当地社区.” 

“我们提议的整骨医学学院将对每个角落产生影响 通过加强卫生保健工作队伍和满足科罗拉多人的需求来加强国家 到处都是.” 


皇冠app官方版下载开始认真探索创建一所骨科医学院 2021年春天,在与当地医院系统的领导交谈后 以及社区领袖. Those conversations were driven by concerns about Colorado’s 对更多医生的需求越来越大,大学在应对这一挑战方面的作用也越来越大. 

“自从我们1889年建校以来,北科罗拉多大学已经取得了重要的成就 为满足该州的教育和劳动力需求做出了贡献,”皇冠app官方版下载校长说 安迪·范斯坦. “This includes a history of excellence in health care and health sciences such as our School of Nursing, which has trained generations of nurses caring for 我们今天. As our state continues to grow, UNC is again called to address a critical workforce shortage — this time for doctors, particularly those focused on primary care and practicing in rural areas.  

“与有远见的医疗保健和慈善领袖一起,比如威尔德信托 以及理查森的家人,皇冠app官方版下载准备再次回应这一呼吁,”范斯坦继续说道. “我们提议的整骨医学学院将对每个角落产生影响 通过加强卫生保健工作队伍和满足科罗拉多人的需求来加强国家 到处都是.” 

Association of American Medical Colleges 预计美国将面临37,800至124,000名医生的短缺 by 2034. 的 shortage is primarily driven by population growth and an increasing aging 人口,以及老龄化的卫生保健工作人员,其中数量可观 will be at retirement age in the next few years. That national data reflects a similar 科罗拉多州的人口进一步加剧了当地的短缺 growth over the last decade, which was nearly double the national average, and the high percentage of active physicians aged 60 or older who are expected to exit the workforce in the next few years. 

根据美国.S. 健康 Resources and Services Administration, less than 35% of Coloradans’ needs for physicians is currently being met. It’s an issue most evident 在农村和服务不足的社区,如维尔德县,以及全国各地的许多其他社区 state, negatively affecting access to care. Additionally, the Robert Graham Center 预计到2030年,科罗拉多州将需要额外的1773名初级保健医生, a 49% increase since 2010. 

“韦尔德信托基金专门为韦尔德县服务,其中包括许多农村社区,” explained Jeff Carlson, CEO of 韦尔德信托. “的re is an increasing disparity between the demand for physicians in these areas versus the supply. If UNC recruits students 对于医学院来说,在农村环境中训练他们,这增加了可能性 of them practicing in a rural community. Our goal is that 焊缝县 communities 会有当地的医疗资源,他们需要能够蓬勃发展,”卡尔森说.  

如果不加以解决,这些重大挑战将继续升级 the university to take their first exploratory step in the process of considering a medical college in November 2021. In partnership with an independent consulting 专门从事医学教育咨询的公司,并得到了领导的支持 礼物 to explore the idea, the university launched a feasibility study to evaluate 市场需求、经济影响以及卫生保健提供者的能力和承诺 to support clinical placements.  

这项研究的结果很明确——科罗拉多目前的医学教育基础设施 不能培养足够的医生来满足当前和未来的需求,也不支持 the demand for students who want to pursue medical education in the state. 这些研究结果, 再加上来自皇冠app官方版下载社区和利益相关者的压倒性支持反馈 卫生系统以及大学董事会成为了推动因素 大学背后的力量回应社区的呼吁,采取行动,开始行动 working to create a College of 整骨疗法的医学. 

皇冠app官方版下载决定创建一所授予骨科医学博士学位的大学 (DO)学位,而不是授予医学博士(MD)学位的学位 University of Colorado School of 医学, is intentional. While both degree programs 作为一名导致医学实践的内科医生,整骨疗法是医学中的一种 发展最快的医疗保健行业在国内和该领域有着悠久的传统 of providing care in rural and underserved areas, key places where Colorado needs 医生现在. 的 initiative also aligns with and builds on the strength and depth the university already has in its sciences and health sciences programs, including 其全国排名的护理和公共卫生项目,以及其他项目 在行为科学,生物学,化学,听力学和语言病理学. 

在过去的两年里,该大学已经采取了几项重要的措施 their vision of a new College of 整骨疗法的医学 一个现实. It has submitted for applicant status with the Commission on Osteopathic 学院经认证,获得国家法定授权提供专业 degree programs in osteopathic medicine through the passage of SB22-056, hired Dr. 贝丝·朗格内克作为这所拟议中的学院的创始院长并开始确保 necessary clinical rotation sites required for third- and fourth-year students. 一个 of the next critical steps is to secure the remainder of the funding necessary to 开设学院.  

“我很感谢韦尔德信托公司董事会和员工的远见卓识 礼物. 他们的投资,以及其他当地慈善家的承诺,都发出了信号 很明显,科罗拉多州必须准备更多的医生,”副州长艾莉·斯特格·哈斯科特说 president of University Advancement at UNC. “This transformational 礼物 is an example of what happens when people come together around a shared purpose.”  

根据范斯坦的说法,该大学的下一步工作包括保护剩下的学生 funding necessary and continuing work to identify key health care partners. 

“随着我们在开设整骨医学学院方面取得进展,我们将寻找 对于整个州的利益相关者,包括我们的民选官员和医学界的领导者, to join us in meeting this important need,” said Feinstein. 

— written by 迪安娜赫伯特


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