


北科罗拉多大学 历史系 讲师 凯利·兰利·库克 has been selected as the recipient of the 2023 Sears Helgoth Distinguished Teaching 奖. 

北科罗拉多大学 历史系 讲师 凯利·兰利·库克 has been selected as the recipient of the 2023 Sears Helgoth Distinguished Teaching 奖. 

This award is administered by UNC's College of 教育 and Behavioral Sciences and recognizes UNC's commitment to high-quality and innovative teaching along with the historical importance of the teaching mission at UNC by rewarding faculty members (tenured, tenure-track, contract renewable) who have made outstanding contributions to teaching 和学习 that result in the enhancement of the intellectual development 学生的生活. 

Langley Cook received her bachelor's in 历史 教育 and master's in Modern American 皇冠app官方版下载历史. 她在科罗拉多州的公立高中任教了18年才回国 to the university in 2018 as a full-time lecturer in Social Studies 教育 and 历史.

了解2023年Sears Helgoth获奖者:

What made you decide to teach at the post-secondary level and what has influenced 您的教学风格? 

Being a high school teacher for so long has definitely shaped the 道路 I teach. 我喜欢 to be very hands on and get a lot of student energy and feedback with every lesson. So, even in lectures that means that I try to hear student voices as often as possible.  

I felt that after many 年 of teaching, and seven  年 as an instructional coach, 通过帮助教师进入这个行业,我可以为大多数人服务. 虽然 my graduate degree is one of my favorite personal accomplishments, my time spent in 学校是让我真正了解课堂是什么样的. 我想要的 to share that with folks who were new to the profession in a very practical and experience-based 道路. 

我爱皇冠app官方版下载的学生. 我发现他们是如此真诚、勤奋和善良. 他们真的很想学习. 他们知道接受教育有多重要 他们中的大多数都是自己买单. 他们真的全心投入 每件事,甚至是100级的非专业课程. 我印象深刻 with the level of thinking, processing and scholarship that comes out of our students.  


两个字,弗里茨·菲舍尔. 我很荣幸能与. 费舍尔在中学 Professional Teacher 教育 Program (STEP) as a once-a-semester volunteer for several 年. He was kind enough to bring me in to chat with future teachers and honestly, 我被迷住了.

的re is something so amazing about the hearts of those who want to teach — even more 所以在2023年,教育环境非常令人担忧. 每次我 我欣喜若狂. 弗里茨鼓励我去申请 graduate school and after I completed my master's in history, he encouraged me to 申请一份兼职工作,这样我就可以继续和未来的老师一起工作. 是他的 友善和支持帮助我找到了事业上的下一个重大转变. 我一到这里, the whole 历史 faculty was as warm and welcoming as they could possibly be. 我有 从第一天起,我就感受到同事们的支持和友爱. 这是一个 不可思议的工作团队.  

What accomplishments are you most proud of that highlight your contributions to teaching 和学习?   

的 first person who truly invited me to serve students in powerful 道路s at UNC (outside 是斯蒂芬·洛夫莱斯. 他们创造包容性空间的能力是 无与伦比的. 当我开始参与STEP项目时,我要求斯蒂芬 一位客座演讲者帮助我们进行安全空间类型的培训. 我被他吹走了 只有他们的知识,还有他们的善良. 我发现自己不仅在做笔记 内容,而是史蒂芬的演讲方式. 这几年我工作很努力 多年来融入斯蒂芬的开放和慷慨的风格. 我相信我在做 much better job at creating a warm and inviting 教室 thanks to Stephen's style.  

I am really proud of my work with the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL)以及多样性、公平和包容奖学金项目. 英语六级 got to collaborate with the outstanding Lyda McCartin to create sessions for undergraduates, faculty and folks at other institutions around UDL (Universal Design for Learning). UDL的概念非常出色,以包容为中心,并且易于应用. 我 also gotten to work with Aaron Haberman on the use of Pear Deck and together we wrote 一个帮助其他教授学习这项非常有价值的技术的博客. 特别是 during and post-pandemic, interactive technologies like this have been a game changer and it is so fun to work with my colleague and friend to get the word out about it. 

Bottom line, getting to work with folks on campus to learn a new methodology is a 快乐!  

*janine weaver douglas一直是我们DEI团队最好的导师. 通过 her guidance I am creating a self-paced DEI workbook that will be tested in some of my courses next semester and hopefully roll out to the whole UNC community next year. Thanks to janine, future teachers will be getting a powerful primer on inclusivity 以他们能胜任任何工作的方式.  


Even though I am housed in the 历史 department I am primarily a teacher of teachers, 所以我发现自己在深入研究教育学和教育实践. 这使得 me to work on the DEI fellowship and I take all of this learning directly into my 教室. 我在美国101课程中使用的40个故事课程就是一个例子. 的 idea behind this is that each day in history has a theme connected to the era, and 那个时代的故事可以通过一个人来讲述. 第一天,学生们学习 罗伯特·布朗·艾略特是第一批黑人国会议员之一. 他写作并帮助 通过了1875年的民权法案.... 但如果你谷歌一下,你可能只会 上面有查尔斯·萨姆纳的名字. 我不仅想揭开这个故事的真相, but also help students to discover that the story of America is the story of all of us. Everyone should be able to see in the history of the United States themselves 不仅仅是通过苦难和悲剧.  


我最热衷于看到人们成功. 教授和老师——我们是 实现我们的梦想. 我们正在做我们如此热爱的事情,我们花了很多钱 为了这个目标奋斗了几十年. (这不是秘密)我们用a fraction of the pay of other professionals with our training and credentials. 为什么? 因为我们喜欢看到学生成功. 我亲身经历了这一惊人的成就 of my students, and one of my greatest 快乐s is when alumni email or text me to say "I got a job" or "read this note that a student wrote to me to say thank you" or "I 我想读研,我们能谈谈吗?“每次学生做了什么事 很好(而且经常是这样),我觉得我能成为其中的一部分. 这让我很惭愧 美丽和我的生活永远不会无聊.  


我是一个“一次做熊,永远做熊”的人。!! 我的两个学位都是皇冠app官方版下载的. 我一直 here since we had two sets of school colors and my old-school pendant is in purple 和黄色. 

I feel so thankful to be a part of the UNC community and I hope that this comes out 用我的语言. 历史系给了我一个机会,他们一直都是 如此亲切和热情. 我喜欢在人文社会科学学院 在那所大学里,我们有一个非常支持我们的社区.

我还认为,在当今时代,我们需要更多的人文学科,而不是更少. 重点 on critical thinking and research could not be more important right now in 2023.

*janine weaver-douglas has requested that her name be recognized through the use of 小写字母.

皇冠app安卓下载安装皇冠app官方版下载Sears Helgoth杰出教学奖  

的 award, supported by the generosity of Kathleen Sears and Jim Helgoth and administered by the College of 教育 and Behavioral Sciences, is given annually to a faculty 在北卡大学表现出卓越教学记录的成员. 应用程序 were reviewed and the awardee selected by a committee of assistant/associate deans, 每个学院和以前的获奖者各一人. 

Kathleen Sears和Jim Helgoth报道更多内容
