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UNC Moving Forward with Next Steps in Pursuit of Osteopathic Medical School

北科罗拉多大学(UNC)正在推进他们的探索 of creating an osteopathic medical school in Greeley, a not-for-profit enterprise within the university.

北科罗拉多大学(UNC)正在推进他们的探索 在格里利建立一所非营利性的骨科医学院 within the university.  

The decision to proceed comes after months of research and conversations with key 利益相关者并根据可行性研究的结果和建议 皇冠app官方版下载校长安迪·范斯坦最近向大学社区和董事会介绍了 of Trustees. In light of the study’s clear recommendation that UNC should continue pursuing 整骨疗法医学院的发展,以及压倒性的支持反馈 来自皇冠app官方版下载社区,利益相关者和医疗保健系统,受托人批准了 大学向骨科委员会申请申请人身份的下一步步骤 学院认证(COCA)和启动创始院长的招聘程序 during their Nov. 12 meeting. Although the process will commence in the near term, a final hire for a founding dean will be conditioned 科罗拉多州立大学的法定授权 proceed with the project. While these are essential steps in the process, Feinstein cautioned that there’s a lot of work to be done before the project becomes a reality. 

“我们的大学成立于132年前,是为了满足中国对教师的需求 communities across Colorado. Today, we find ourselves positioned to meet another critical 这一挑战将塑造Greeley, Weld的健康、实力和增长潜力 County and the state for many years to come,” Feinstein said. “To be clear, there 为了达到这个目的,我们还需要经过几道门吗 fruition. However, my optimism and excitement about the possibility of UNC creating a new medical school to meet the needs of our community continue to grow.”   

范斯坦让他的大学准备迎接的关键挑战是 科罗拉多州目前的医学教育基础设施不能培养足够的医生 既不能满足当前和未来的需求,也不能满足学生的需求 to pursue medical education. The state's booming population growth over the last decade 再加上科罗拉多州60岁或以上的活跃医生比例很高 预计在未来几年内退出职场,两者都是驱动因素吗 creating a shortage of physicians in the state. According to the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), only 34.6% of the state’s need for physicians is met. Additionally, the Association of American Medical Colleges predicts a shortage of up to 139,000 physicians across the U.S. by 2033. These and a number of other findings 是在去年7月由谘询公司发起的一项由捐助者资助的可行性研究中编制的 firm Tripp Umbach, a leader in medical education consulting.  

该研究包括对市场需求、经济影响和能力的评估 and commitment of healthcare providers to support clinical placements. It highlighted 骨科医学的日益普及和可行性以及学校的潜力 成为区域经济的推动者,创造就业机会,创造可观的经济效益 and social impacts to the state of Colorado. Other key findings included: 

  • 罗伯特·格雷厄姆中心预测,到2030年,科罗拉多州将需要一个额外的 1773名初级保健医生(PCP),与2010年相比增加了49% primary care physician workforce.   
  • Colorado needs more doctors, specifically in rural areas. The osteopathic medical profession has a long tradition of providing care where patients lack doctors. 在农村地区招募和留住医生最有效的策略之一 is to create new medical education training sites in or near these locations. More than 60% of students at peer rural D.O. programs are from their home state and remain in the state to practice after graduation. 
  • This past year, the number of osteopathic physicians in the U.S. rose to nearly 135,000, an 80% increase over the past decade. Both allopathic (M.D.) and osteopathic (D.O.) medical schools teach students the scientific 基金会需要成为有执照的医生,但他们采取不同的方法. Allopathic 医学侧重于诊断和治疗疾病,而整骨疗法 医学采取更全面、以病人为中心的方法,重点放在预防上. 
  • 整骨疗法医学院的发展将对其他医学院校产生积极的影响 皇冠app官方版下载的健康科学项目,包括护理学,听力学, public health, biomedical sciences, health sciences and behavioral sciences. Developing 骨科医学和这些现有项目之间的协同作用,以及战略 只要有可能,投资于他们的扩张,将创造新的机会 扩大学生和大学的能力,直接影响健康和 strength of communities across Colorado. 

随着大学继续进行认证程序并雇用创始人员 院长,皇冠app官方版下载还有其他问题必须解决,其中最重要的是确保大约 $135 million in funding over the next several years. That estimate addresses the cost 新设施,与获得认证和雇用有关的费用 教职员工和代管帐户,以满足认证义务. 支持该项目的启动资金将主要来自外部来源, including philanthropic support. Once the medical school has been established, it is expected to generate enough revenue to be self-supporting. 

这所大学已经清除了一个重要的障碍,那就是确保大多数学生的入学资格 三年级和四年级学生需要临床轮岗,感谢 与班纳医疗集团和班纳健康的北科罗拉多医院合作. 

"皇冠app官方版下载整骨疗法医学院的发展将发展出急需的 为该地区不断增长的人口提供医生渠道,”布莱恩·戴维森说, MD, Banner Medical Group Western Region physician executive. “Banner is excited about 它的作用是提供大量的核心临床轮转为第三和 给我们现在的团队成员提供帮助的机会 cultivate the next generation of physicians,” Dr. Davidson said. 

玛戈卡斯滕,班纳健康西部地区总裁,是早期的参与者和 supporter of discussions about the school. “The project has been a true collaboration across several public and private sectors. It will benefit the economy and add to the quality of life in Greeley and Weld County.” 


在社区,利益相关者和受托人的支持下,大学 从这一点开始,随着必要的部分逐渐到位,乐观吗 to completion, UNC could see its first class of students in the fall of 2025.  

链接到可行性研究,UNC的市政厅介绍,常见问题和定期进展 updates will be provided on UNC’s osteopathic medical school exploration webpage. 

— by Deanna Herbert

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