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Student Retention Toolkit

我们早就知道教学和课堂体验会影响留存率. 当947所学院和大学的管理人员被问及“是什么让学生 stay?,排在前两名的是“关怀的教职员工”和“高质量的教学”。 (Beal & Noel, 1980). 课堂应该是学生留存计划的起点 因为这是学生与同学和老师交流的主要场所. This 是否特别适用于非住宿学生和兼职学生 or full‐time在攻读学位期间,不得参加其他校园活动、活动、 or organizations (Hanover, 2014).

我们在课堂上所做的从评估到教学大纲都会影响学生的体验, and therefore impacts student retention. Here we outline some easy and more in-depth 你可以在课堂上做些积极影响记忆的事情.

Listen to Students

What do UNC Students Say?

听到学生讲述他们在皇冠app官方版下载课堂上的经历是很有帮助的. You 可以从观看皇冠app官方版下载学生小组的录音开始:

Get Student Feedback

如果你想真正了解学生是如何体验你的课程的,以及你是如何 能否在当下做出改变来提高学生的参与度和积极性,考虑一下 checking-in with students monthly. These can be very quick check-ins done on paper 或者作为一个不评分的帆布测验,问一些简单的问题,比如:

  • When are you most engaged during class? Please provide specific activity/assignment examples.
  • 如果你对这门课程有什么问题或担忧,你愿意来找我吗? If not, how can I improve this?
  • 列出1-2个你为这门课程设定的目标,并讨论你将如何实现这些目标 those goals. What can I do to better support your goals?

如果你想从小处开始,那就在6-7周的时候进行中期反馈 the semester. 这些反馈将为你提供切实可行的见解 皇冠app安卓下载安装课程中什么是有效的,以及改进学习的建议 and teaching. 你可以在你的课程中使用这些期中登记表格. These can be used in both online or face-to-face courses; for any course delivery 模型,您可以使用Qualtrics或Canvas测验来管理签入.

你可以找到更多皇冠app安卓下载安装学生反馈的信息 Teaching Evaluation Toolkit.

Review Course Materials

Syllabus Revamp

一个好的教学大纲的修订不会很快,但它是一个很容易开始思考的地方 皇冠app安卓下载安装你如何与学生互动,如何建立一个包容的社区. To get started, watch the 2021 webinar 以公平的教学大纲支持学生. 也有更多的信息和模板 Syllabus Toolkit.

Curriculum Review

复习你的课程并考虑一下什么总是一个好主意这是通过你的课程材料、阅读材料和图片表现出来的. It's important 学生可以把自己的经历带到课堂上——考虑一下你如何 do provide that opportunity. 还要考虑学生如何与你互动和互动 and each other.  Get started by watching the 2021 webinar 解构课堂中的主导文化.

考虑采用通用学习设计(UDL),其重点是建立公平 and inclusive classrooms. Here are some webinars to get you started:

如果您需要UDL的一对一支持,请联系CETL的Kelly Langley-Cook Teaching Coach for Inclusive Classrooms.

系主任应该参加网络研讨会“部门层面的改进策略” Student Retention http://digscholarship.modonexpress.net/tla/53

Support & Professional Development

研究表明,协调,系统的专业发展努力在 高等教育水平与学生成绩的提高有关,包括更高的教育水平 留校率和毕业率,以及更高的教师满意度和参与度, and sense of belonging  (Alfano, 1993; Fulton, Noonan, & Dorris, 2004; Gansemer-Topf, Saunders, Schuh, & Shelley, 2004; Gansemer-Topf & Schuh, 2004; Killion, 2000; Murray, 2002; Outcalt, 2002; Sherer, Shea, & Kristensen, 2003).

职业发展有很多途径. You can visit the CETL Webinar Library to watch recordings. You can also attend live webinars. The AY 22-23 webinar series is on equity-minded grading. You can also join a learning community in AY 22-23. 你可以加入一个为期一个学期的学习社区,专注于学生如何 或一个为期一年的“包容教学”学习社区 & Equity. You can 并通过与员工和教师的英语教学咨询获得个性化的支持 coaches.

Ideas for Department Chairs

系主任在留住学生方面起着至关重要的作用. Consider reviewing department 在教师会议期间有关出勤和讨论教学的政策. Review DFW与教师一起评估数据并进行头脑风暴解决方案. You can reach out to CETL for department-specific professional development. Also, check out the webinar 提高学生留存率的系级策略 presented by a current UNC department chair.


Alfano, K. (1993). Recent strategies for faculty development. Community College Review, 21(1), 68–77.

Beal, P. E., & Noel, L. (1980). What works in student retention? Iowa City, IA: The 美国大学考试计划和国家高等教育管理中心 Systems.

Fulton, R. W., Noonan, P. E., & Dorris, J. M. (2004). Web-mediated faculty professional 发展:改善学习,建立社区,评估成果. Retrieved from http://www.league.org/occasional-papers/web-mediated-faculty-professional -development-improving-learning-building

Gansemer-Topf, A., & Schuh, J. (2004). Instruction and academic support expenditures: An investment in retention and graduation. Journal of College Student Retention, 5, 135– 145.

Hanover Research. (2014). Strategies for Improving Student Retention. Retrieved from http://www.hanoverresearch.com/media/Strategies-for-Improving-Student-Retention.pdf

Killion, J. (2000). Online staff development: Promise or peril? NASSP Bulletin, 84(618), 38–46.

Murray, J. P. (2002). 两年制高校师资队伍建设的现状. 社区学院的新方向,118,89-97.

Outcalt, C. L. (2002). 迈向专业的社区学院教授. New 社区学院指南,118,109-115.

Sherer, P., Shea, P., & Kristensen, E. (2003). Online communities of practice: A catalyst for faculty development. Innovative Higher Education, 27, 183–194.