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Project M.E. 

Project M.E.  她是北科罗拉多大学经期平等的倡导者 通过增加获得月经用品的机会和打破教育障碍. 这个由学生领导的倡议在妇女和性别平等中心内运作 并提供所有有机月经必需品,包括衬垫,卫生巾,卫生棉条,和 menstrual cups for members of the UNC campus community.

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Why Menstrual Equity?

  • 十分之一的大学生经历过经期贫困. (Cardoso et al., 2021)
  • 2021年发表在《皇冠app安卓下载安装》杂志上的一项研究显示,黑人和拉丁裔 据报告,在这些抽样调查中,妇女的经期贫困率最高. (Cardoso et al., 2021) 
  • According to a 2021 study titled State of the Period conducted by THINX and PERIOD.在美国,近25%的学生报告说自己很难上大学 menstrual products. 此外,51%的学生还表示,他们会为 longer than recommended.
  • THINX & PERIOD.'s 2019 State of the Period 调查显示,五分之四的学生报告自己缺课或知道有人缺课 class, due to not having access to menstrual products.
  • In a 2019 study that surveyed low-income women in St. Louis, Missouri, it was shown 在之前的调查中,64%的参与者买不起经期产品 year, and one-fifth of women experienced this monthly.46%的受访女性无力同时购买食品和月经用品 during the past year.  (Sebert Kuhlmann et al., 2019)



Cardoso, L.F., Scolese, A.M., Hamidaddin, A. et al. Period poverty and mental health 对美国大学年龄女性的影响. BMC Women's Health 21, 14 (2021).

Sebert Kuhlmann, A., Peters Bergquist, E., Danjoint, D., & Wall, L. L. (2019). Unmet Menstrual Hygiene Needs Among Low-Income Women. Obstetrics and gynecology, 133(2), 238–244. 

How Can I Access Free Menstrual Products at UNC?

On-Campus Dispensers

某些月经用品分配器已经从收费系统转为免费系统 system in bathrooms across UNC’s Campus.

Menstrual Product Packs (M.E. Packs)

订购一个免费的,散装的,定制的月经产品包! M.E. Packs can be picked 从CWGE领取,送到宿舍,或邮寄到校外宿舍 free of charge. To order a M.E. Pack, click the link, stop by Scott-Willcoxon Hall 预约,或致电CWGE (970)351 -1492. 

Order a m.e. pack

Project M.E. Pack

Email the CWGE cwge@modonexpress.net to request one of our sustainable products.

Small or Large “June” Menstrual Cup

如果你想了解更多皇冠app安卓下载安装June Cups的信息,或者对你的尺码有疑问, please visit: http://thejunecup.com/pages/faq. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请发送电子邮件至 cwge@modonexpress.net or call us at 970-351-1492. The CWGE collective is eager and ready to help.

  • What are Project M.E.’s Goals?
    • 提供免费的,可持续的,散装月经产品为UNC熊,只要 they are a UNC Bear.
    • 消除经期妇女接受教育的障碍.
    • 提高对月经平等的认识和对话.
    • Enhance knowledge and involvement around allyship.
    • 促进社区和授权经期个人和盟友.
    • 参与创建一个包容和热情的大学校园.
  • 你想知道更多皇冠app安卓下载安装你们产品的来源吗?  
  • Project M.E. Impact

    Project M.E. has provided menstrual resources since the year 2021. The following statistics represent individual M.E. 已分发给联合国军司令部社区和 我们在三年中提供的单个产品的总数 operation.

      • E Packs:
        • 1,385 M.E. Pack Orders
      • Individual tampons:
        • 18,494 individual units
      • Individual Pads:
        • 23,234 individual units
      • Individual Cups:
        • 412 individual units
      • Grand total:
        • 42,140 menstrual products combined

    此外,妇女和性别平等中心和M项目.E., in collaboration 与学生参议院,学生LEAF和健康促进办公室一起转换月经 在校园内的卫生间自动售货机为所有人免费提供月经用品.

  • How Can I Support UNC’s Menstrual Equity Efforts

    Project M.E. 提升学生的声音和关注,旨在提供解决方案. 如果你愿意支持这一倡议,努力改善机会,教育, 还有社区,这里有一些方法可以帮助你开始.

    • Keep up to date and participate!
      • Project M.E. 举办一年一度的“笑点派对”,学生们可以在其中填写自己的订单. 我们在活动期间准备好了食物、对话和联系. Come and take a look at the behind the scenes of your M.E. Pack order.
      • Keep an eye out! Project M.E. will pop up across campus on certain days. You can grab 想买多少月经用品就买多少,免费获得一个手提袋,并与我们的工作人员互动.
    • Be an Ally. Be an Accomplice!
      • Acquire knowledge and speak out. Menstruating individuals already face enough odds. You can help by being part of the conversation. You can lead, innovate, or simply participate. What matters is that you care.
      • Pick up a Mini M.E. 这些小包里有一个卫生巾,一个卫生棉条,还有皇冠app安卓下载安装 menstrual equity, and some swag. You never know when you or someone around you may need emergency products. With Mini M.E.’s you now increase access and contribute towards change.
    • Connect with Us!
      • Follow us on Instagram! 我们定期发布我们即将举行的活动,并与我们的 online following.
        • @ unco_cwge
      • Feel free to call us and connect. Our phone number is 970-351-1492.
      • You can also email us at cwge@modonexpress.net
      • Lastly, take a minute and stop by in person.
  • Menstrual Equity Resources
  • Request a Menstrual Equity Toolkit 
  • Our Story 

    在2020年秋天,当时还是本科生的罗西·格拉泽(Rosie Glaser)提供了帮助 一个在他们的大学校园里解决月经平等问题的运动. To begin their advocacy, 他们开始与我们在健康促进办公室的校园伙伴进行对话 并制定了一项计划,以确定资金,开始实施一些解决问题的想法 access to free menstrual products. After receiving funding to run a pilot program, 罗茜联系了我们的校园妇女和性别平等中心(CWGE)进一步 开发和实施他们的想法,以转换校园内所有的产品分配器 免费配药,为学生免费提供散装产品. From there, the CWGE 成为一个完全投资的校园合作伙伴,并在2021年秋季开始过渡 把这个项目变成一个免费的校园资源 of their center. 从那时起,该中心及其工作人员一直专注于可持续性 and inclusivity of this initiative.

    Our story

  • Justice Necessary 
    We would like to thank Justice Necessary for supporting Project M.通过他们慷慨捐赠的有机产品.


    Please, visit http://justicenecessary.org/ to visit Media & 皇冠app安卓下载安装页面和审查他们的科罗拉多州2022年调查的结果 皇冠app安卓下载安装妇女经期贫困、尿布需求和卫生贫困的调查.