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Biological Education Ph.D.

Admissions Deadlines

  • Admission is for fall and spring terms.
  • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
      • 被考虑的助教职位的申请,鼓励由 Oct. 15 for spring semester and March 15 for fall semester.

Admission Requirements

申请者必须向北科罗拉多大学研究生院申请 在项目部门审查申请人的入学申请之前. Failure to 提交所有必需的材料会延迟你的申请的评估和筛选.

Each applicant must:

  • 拥有当地认可的大学的学士学位或硕士学位 或大学或国外机构的类似学位.
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or better (on a 4.00 scale) for the most recent degree earned or current degree in progress.

    • 如果你在申请时仍在完成学士或硕士学位, 录取将基于你目前的累积GPA,你需要重新提交 你的官方成绩单(显示你所授予的学位和最终GPA) first semester. If your final GPA fell below 3.00, you will be given additional requirement根据学术课程的规定,必须在一个日历年内满足 remain enrolled at UNC. 

      *硕士学位的累积绩点将用于18个或以上的学分 towards this degree has been completed.

Take the following steps to be considered for admission:

Step 1: Complete the Application

Complete the online application.

  • Answer the application questions.
  • Send your requests for letters of recommendation.
    • 要求三(3)学术或专业推荐信的人 can attest to your academic potential and abilities. You will be asked to supply information for your recommenders in the application.
  • 递交申请并缴付不退还的申请费. 
    • Domestic Students: $50 non-refundable application fee
    • International Students: $50 non-refundable application fee

Once you submit your application you will be assigned an Admissions Portal,允许您上传补充项目,如下所列,并跟踪您的申请 through the admissions process.

Step 2: Request Transcripts

要求任何地区认可的学院或大学的正式成绩单 在哪里获得了学士学位或更高的学位或正在攻读(如果你已经获得了 多个学位,学士或更高水平,需要官方成绩单 each college or university where a degree was conferred). If you received a degree from UNC, you do not need to request a transcript from UNC. The Office of Admissions 保留要求申请人提供其他学校正式成绩单的权利 colleges or universities as needed. Applicants who have earned or are directly pursuing a higher degree from a regionally 没有获得学士学位的认可机构(e.g., PharmD) may 有资格申请研究生院而无需授予学士学位 degree. 

Exceptions:如果申请人打算使用退伍军人教育福利,一份正式成绩单 from all colleges or universities attended 是否需要遵守退伍军人事务政策.

Official transcripts from U.S. institutions should be sent via mail directly from 教育机构在未打开的,密封的信封或通过电子邮件 secure digital program from the issuing institution.

Mailed transcripts should be sent to:

University of Northern Colorado
Office of Admissions
Campus Box 10
501 20th St
Greeley, CO 80639

Electronic transcripts from U.S. institutions should be sent directly from the educational institution to: grad.admissions@modonexpress.net.

皇冠app官方版下载办公室不接受电子邮件、扫描件或PDF格式的成绩单 from applicants. 在申请过程中提交的所有正式成绩单, 由北卡大学保留而不退还给申请人或被录取的学生.

皇冠app官方版下载保留皇冠app官方版下载以外的其他机构提交的录取成绩单 在毕业或最后一次在皇冠app官方版下载上课之日起最多五年. 未被录取、被拒绝录取或被录取的申请人提供的成绩单 未完成的申请将在一(1)年后销毁. The Office of Admissions 是否会尽一切努力使用以前提交的成绩单,如果他们在 these timeframes. However, if the Office of Admissions 无法找到以前提交的成绩单,成绩单不在时间范围内 以上列出或被认为难以辨认,申请人必须提供新的成绩单.

Applicants with academic credentials from outside the U.S. will need to follow the requirements for submission of foreign transcripts. 单击“成绩单”选项卡查看有关国际成绩单的信息.

Step 3: Optional GRE Scores

您可以选择提交官方GRE成绩(少于5年). It is expected 大多数申请人不会提供GRE成绩,但这些成绩是可选的 谁觉得GRE成绩会加强他们的申请资格. It is in no way required; applications without GRE scores will receive full review without disadvantage.

如果你想在申请中包括GRE成绩,请遵循以下指导方针: 要求将GRE考试成绩以电子方式发送到皇冠app官方版下载(皇冠app官方版下载的机构代码) is 4074).

Required minimum scores:

  • 140 Quantitative;
  • 146 Verbal Reasoning;
  • Combined score of at least 297;
  • Analytical Writing 3.5
  • Please note, UNC does not accept GRE Subject Test scores.

Step 4: Supplemental Items

Log back into the Admissions Portal to submit the following:

  1. All applicants should include a letter of intent. 至少,你的意向书应该描述你的学术兴趣和 career goals.
  2. All applicants should provide a curriculum vitae or resume 详细说明你在该领域的经验,为读研做准备.

皇冠app安卓下载安装如何写好意向书,如何制作简历的建议 or resume and how to get the best letters of recommendation, please see this page.

Additional Information

在进入该项目之前,学生应该完成至少四门课程 在生物学和化学辅助领域的三门课程中, calculus or physics. Students entering the program with deficiencies in coursework 将被要求根据研究生委员会的建议完成课程; the school director and the advisor.

一旦你申请了皇冠app官方版下载研究生院,并且你的申请材料完成了, 您的申请将由研究生院审查,然后发送给教师/项目 for an admission recommendation. The timing of the admission decision depends on each individual program’s deadline and review process.

International Applicants

International applicants (non-U.S. citizen/non-U.S. Permanent Resident) please refer to the International Admissions Requirements 皇冠app安卓下载安装提交成绩单、英语水平分数、 passport copy and financial documentation.

For More Information 
有关录取过程的更多信息,请发送电子邮件给皇冠app官方版下载办公室 at grad.admissions@modonexpress.net or call 970-351-2881.

STEM Designation 

这个stem指定的学位课程符合F-1学生的资格 签证申请24个月的延期完成后可选的实践培训 (OPT). 有关OPT的更多信息,请访问国土安全部 Security’s Optional Practical Training for F-1 Students.

Please note: This designation does not apply to degree programs that are offered online.