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Application Process for Graduate Faculty and Doctoral Research Endorsement

The Graduate School encountered difficulties using Digital Measures and suspended its use for the GF and GF/DRE application process. Please do not submit through Digital Measures, as we will not receive it.

Faculty and administrators must hold Graduate Faculty or GF with DRE status to teach graduate and serve on doctoral committees. Contract renewable (without research expectations) and part time faculty must hold Graduate Lecturer status. 

Steps for Application Process

  1. Complete Required Workshops. Since UNC is an institution that applies for federal grants, faculty who mentor graduate students must complete a workshop on mentor/mentorship expectations. The Graduate School hopes to comply with this requirement by having faculty complete the NRMN mentoring training (A) as one component of the GF or GF/DRE process. The second component is to complete the GF or DRE Workshop (B). Although the workshop was initially developed for faculty mentors in the natural and health sciences, the mentoring principles and research processes it covers are broadly applicable across disciplines.
    1. National Research Mentoring Network. You will need to create an account and then log in at http://nrmnet.net/. When an account is created, you will be prompted to indicate whether you are registering as a mentor or a mentee. The relevant course for graduate faculty to complete is: http://courses.nrmnet.net/course/c/mentoring-grad. At the end of the workshop, you will receive a notice that you completed the workshop. Please send that notice to Carol Steward at Carol.Steward@modonexpress.net with your application.
    2. Graduate Faculty or Doctoral Research Endorsement Workshop. (First-time and every renewal of GF, CGF or DRE status.) http://unco.instructure.com/courses/46627. If you have problems accessing it from your UNCO portal, let Carol Steward know and she can add you to the course. At the end of the GF or DRE workshop is a Qualtrics Survey, which will automatically notify Carol Steward after you have completed the workshop and survey.
  2. Complete, sign using Adobe Verified Signature and email the application to your department chair or school director and college dean for signatures. Adobe Verified Signatures instructions:
    • Please do not print, hand write/sign forms or use DocuSign or AdobeSign. This removes the digital completion components. (Before starting application, check for the little red flags on the signature lines — if they are not showing, be sure to download as explained in next bullet.)
    • Download PDF documents and save them. Open with Adobe Acrobat to complete forms. Do not fill out forms in a browser or Mac Preview.
    • Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for free at the Adobe website.
    • All faculty need to sign using Adobe Verified Signatures on the same form. (Follow in-app prompts to set up faculty signatures.) Save after each person signs.
    • For help, contact Carol Steward at Carol.Steward@modonexpress.net.
  3. Applicant or Dean’s representative emails the following documents to Carol Steward at Carol.Steward@modonexpress.net.
    • GF or DRE/GF* Application
    • NRMN Workshop Certificate
    • UNC Curriculum Vitae
    • *DRE/GF applications must also include PDFs of only the first page of three publications (not required for GF or CGF status).


Tips for the Successful Completion of PDF Forms

  • Please do not print, hand write/sign forms or use DocuSign or AdobeSign. This removes the digital completion components.
  • Download PDF documents and save them. Open with Adobe Acrobat to complete forms. Do not fill out forms in a browser or Mac Preview.
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for free at the Adobe website.
  • All faculty need to sign using Adobe Verified Signatures on the same form. (Follow in-app prompts to set up faculty signatures.) Save after each person signs.

Applications and Guidelines