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Economic Data Links

The purpose of this set of links is to provide a service to all people interested 通过互联网寻找经济数据. 互联网提供了大量的经济资源 data and our goal is to make it easier for people to find these sources. This site would not be as thorough without the research of Bill Goffe, Dept. of Economics and 南密西西比大学国际商务专业. His guide to 互联网上的经济学家资源 is an excellent jumping-off point for those interested in additional sources of economic data or other economics-related material available on the Internet.

Careers in Economics

An education in economics provides the student with the skills necessary to make good 在各种就业情况下的决策. 就业有三个领域 经济学家:学术界、私营企业和政府. 大多数的就业 经济学家的工作机会需要一些研究生学位.

Still, an economics major or minor is helpful for a large number of careers.

  • The Academic Economist

    Approximately one half of all professional economists are employed in academics. Academic economists are involved with teaching and doing research for colleges and universities. In addition to these responsibilities, academic economists supplement their income by writing textbooks and other educational material and by consulting. Consulting opportunities include consulting for private businesses, government, and the legal profession. 有关更多信息,请参见

  • The Business Economist

    Undergraduate economics majors are recruited by business firms of all sizes, from 从当地的小公司到最大的跨国公司. An economics degree prepares students to compete with students in marketing, management, and finance, as well as with students with a liberal arts degree in history, political science, and geography. Employers who hire economics majors are interested in highly motivated 能够快速学习特定业务的学生. 有关更多信息,请参见

  • 政府经济学家

    Since the New Deal era of Franklin Roosevelt, economists have moved to the forefront 政府政策分析. 近年来,经济学家已经开始换人 political scientists and lawyers in top administrative positions in the government. Recent presidential cabinets have had more economists than any other identifiable profession. This area of employment is growing for economists because they have displayed 分析公共政策问题所必需的工具. 在联邦政府中, 每个机构都有经济学家的职位. 在州和一些地方层面, economists are being asked to weigh in on urban issues such as growth, zoning, and taxation. 有关更多信息,请参见

  • 经济学家的收入

    Many students of economics do not acquire a job that includes "Economist" in the title. Still, economics is a useful way of thinking and is thus a valuable major regardless 你的正式职位. 在1995年的一项研究中,美国人口普查局研究了 the average monthly earnings for workers with bachelor’s degrees in various academic disciplines. 以下是他们的一些调查结果:

    Academic Discipline

    Average Yearly Salary

    Engineering $68,000.00
    Agriculture/Forestry $60,970.00
    Economics $71,000.00
    Mathematics/Statistics $60,000.00
    Business/Management $55,256.00
    警察科学/执法 $65,400.00
    护理/药店/技术的健康 $60,000.00
    物理/地球科学 $70,000.00
    English/Journalism $50,640.00
    Biology $66,344.00
    Psychology/Clinical $70,000.00
    Social Science $55,000.00
    文科/人文 $62,000.00
    Education $56,951.00


  • 经济学家的就业

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects strong employment growth for economists. Over the next ten years employment for non-academic and academic economists should grow 大约21%到35%. 这种增长的大部分将是那些拥有大学毕业生的人 degree.

  • UNC Economics Alumni

    Academics, private business, and government are the general areas in which economists are employed; however, the best indicator of the available employment opportunities may be found by examining the current careers of recent UNC graduates with majors in economics. The following is a list of the various careers of recent UNC graduates 主修经济学的:

    • 美联储经济学家
    • 丹佛规划委员会分析员
    • Front Range社区学院讲师
    • 新泽西一家经纪公司的分析师
    • 谢温·威廉姆斯商店的经理
    • 医院行政助理
    • 斯帕克斯公司的经济顾问
    • 阿斯本戒毒中心主任
    • 美国劳工部经济学家
    • 美国陆军军官

    In addition, several recent UNC graduates from the Economics program are attending 研究生院攻读硕士.A.s in Economics and M.B.A.s. 还有一些人在参加 Law School.

    Alumni Spotlight >