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Faculty in Residence

住校教师给住在 residence halls 增加与教员的接触和互动. 曾担任过 a faculty in residence find they understand their students’ lives better than before.

Faculty in Residence (FIRs) are UNC faculty who teach across a variety of disciplines and have applied, interviewed and chosen to live in the residence halls. We believe FIRs help UNC students transition to life at college by providing a mentoring role in our communities who can hopefully help students feel more comfortable approaching their own course faculty.

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Hi! Welcome to Wiebking Hall!

My name is Jackie Davis and I am the Faculty-in-Residence (FIR) living in Wiebking Hall. 我和我14岁的甜心住在一楼.5岁的迷你腊肠犬,黛西. In addition to being your FIR, I am a Special Education faculty member here at UNC. 我的学术办公室位于麦基楼的花园层. Before moving to Colorado, I spent many years in the classroom teaching in early childhood and elementary 在北佛罗里达苏旺尼河畔一个乡村小镇的教室里. I received my Ph.D. 来自佛罗里达州塔拉哈西的佛罗里达州立大学的塞米诺尔人!). When I am not working, I like to cook, read, watch sports, listen to music and play video games on my phone. 我也在学习享受科罗拉多的许多冒险活动 provides. 我一直在远足、雪鞋行走和室内攀岩! 

As your Faculty-in-Residence, I will be living, working and relaxing with you in Wiebking Hall. 我将帮助组织社会和学术活动. I am here to 我会尽我所能支持你. 我期待着了解你并提供帮助 满足你需要的活动. 请随时与我分享任何程序 你有兴趣吗.

If you see me (and Daisy) around Wiebking Hall or anywhere around campus, please be sure to say hello. 祝你在皇冠app官方版下载和韦伯金学院度过美好的一年!


Jackie M. Davis
Pronouns:  She, her, hers

Jackie Davis


欢迎来到总统官邸! My name is Dr. Anton Dzhamay(我的姓发音) closer to Jamai but you can simply address me as Anton) and I am your Faculty-in-Residence. 我住在Luján大厅(请随时敲门). 一楼78号)和 你有时会发现我在邦德大厅的休息室工作. I am looking forward to 认识并了解你. 我可以为你提供学术建议, answer other questions about the university or help you with your math homework. I have been at the School of Mathematical Sciences since 2005 (my office there is 2250A 罗斯·霍尔(Ross Hall)),并且教授了我们提供的几乎所有数学课程. In addition, I plan to organize some social events, such as game night, and maybe occasional trips. Let me know if there is anything you may be particularly interested in. My email is anton.dzhamay@modonexpress.net.

我在俄罗斯莫斯科长大,后来搬到了美国.S. in 1993 to start a Ph.D. program 他是哥伦比亚大学数学系的教授. 在来科罗拉多之前,我是一名助理 Professor at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and a Visiting Professor at Columbia University. My research in Mathematics is in the field of nonlinear dynamical systems, and I am fortunate to have many close colleagues and friends all over the world. I worked and taught at places such as Columbia University, The University of Sydney in Australia, Cambridge University in the UK, Higher School for Economics and Skoltech in Moscow, Russia, Shanghai University in China, the University of Tokyo in Japan and many others. 

I very much enjoy traveling, hiking, various mathematical and non-mathematical board games and puzzles and conversations about music, film, literature and the like. Feel 有时可以和我一起喝杯咖啡,聊聊天. 

Also, please be on the lookout of the School of Mathematical Sciences Celebration of Mind festival that usually happens in late October (it will be Thursday, October 21 this year). 这是一个有趣的活动,有很多游戏、谜题和一个大型节目. Stop by!


Anton Dzhamay

Welcome to Bear Community!

Hello, I am Jun Park, and I am a Faculty-in-Residence (FIR) and teach economics at UNC. 自从我在2018年开始在校园工作以来,它一直是一个爆炸. I absolutely 我喜欢和我的学生和住院医生在一起. 我的爱好是看电影 在娱乐中心锻炼身体. 每学期我都提供FIR编程 比如“让我们结交新朋友”、“读书俱乐部”、“游戏之夜”等等. I would like to encourage you attend those programs and other university events during the academic year.

我期待着与您本人见面,更好地了解您! :)

Go Bears!

Jun Park

Jun Park

随着新学期的到来,我很高兴能见到大家. 我是你们的常驻教员, FIR for short, at Presidents Row. For those of you who aren't sure what that means, I am a full-time faculty member 谁住在学生宿舍. 我是人类学系的高级讲师 他也是心灵生活项目的老师. 我对我的学科充满热情, teaching and students. 我在2014年选择加入FIR项目. I spent the first two years living in Harrison Hall before I moved over here to Presidents Row. As an FIR I am here to help coordinate some events to spend time getting to know you all. 我期待着主持时间出去闲逛和聊天. 我希望能帮上忙 for your life on campus. 我认为我们在大学期间与教师建立的联系 经验在我们的成功和经验中起着很大的作用. So feel free to reach out and let me know if you would like to meet up for tea, take a walk or have dinner together in the dining hall. 

Look for announcements about opportunities for you to join in activities throughout the semester. 我期待着能够出去分享一些我最喜欢的 things about Greeley and the wonderful downtown community by going to different restaurants, 乘坐城市巴士游览,在克雷斯电影院观看艺术电影 & Lounge. Watch 比如南瓜画,手工之夜和游戏之夜. Watch for texts and emails!

As an alumna from UNC (my BA is from here in History), I have always admired the Presidents 排空间,我很高兴我把这里称为家. 我相信你会看到我和我儿子进去的 the dining hall from time to time, so please come and introduce yourself. I am excited to get to know you. 

My office is in Candelaria 2233, and if you find yourself over that way, you are always 欢迎你过来打个招呼. 

See you soon, I hope. 


Trish Jolly

Hello, students!

Welcome to South Hall! My name is Dr. 珍妮·哈丁和我是你们的常驻教员. This means I live with you in South Hall, and I’m available to support you through academic advising and sponsor programs aiming to help you become successful UNC students. Be on the lookout for my programs: Time Management, How to Pass Your Midterm Exam 以及全校寻宝游戏.

I am a professor in the School of Teacher Education and have been at UNC for 18 years. I am a former elementary school teacher and instructional technology specialist. I 被授予教育与行为科学学院 Outstanding AdvisorAward in 2008 and 2012 and the Excellence in Teaching, Arno H. Luker Award in 2021.

我期待与您见面并支持您! 欢迎您预约 通过我的邮件在南厅一层见我 Jenni.Harding@modonexpress.net.

:) Dr. Harding

Jenni Harding

Dear LAwrenson: 

LA, aka Dr. Lin Allen, welcomes you to UNC!  作为你的驻校教员,我邀请你检查一下 out the special S c h O L A R   S Y S T E M Programs I am designing to help you successfully navigate our UNIVERSE-CITY. 

I am a professor in the School of Communication, Candelaria Hall, where my latest venture is team-teaching scientific communication with biology Professor Scott Franklin. 我也教说服课程,基于 Star Trek 法庭沟通的情节和课程. 我的说服课程以“史波克”为特色 审判”,我的法庭课程以模拟审判为特色. 我领导了一个出国留学课程 in Athens, Greece, several summers ago, the birthplace of communication studies. I also designed and taught a course in heroes and public memory at UNLV, where I was 在加入皇冠app官方版下载之前,他是客座教授. 

My interest in studying heroes and legacy began when I was 6 years old and continued 在高中,我参加了辩论和戏剧. A highlight was playing 一个在行动中失踪的士兵的母亲的角色 《拉里·本森的生与死,还表演了路易吉·皮兰德罗(Luigi Pirandello)的戏剧读物 War.

Research travel destinations include Singapore, where I present analyses of various Supreme Court cases with controversies ranging from wedding cakes to wielding a hovercraft 在国家公园为摇滚乐队赢得商标. Singapore’s symbol is the Merlion, and I like to view this part-mermaid, part-lion vessel as displaying various 我们人格的方方面面——俏皮、神秘、坚强. 我喜欢游泳,所以这个 神话中的生物激发了我的创造力! 

Athena, my feline, and I are excited about welcoming you to our new campus home on the top floor of Lawrenson, where the view should inspire anew Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s observation, “We all have the stars but they are not the same things for different people.” 



Dr. Lin Allen
LAwrenson FIR

Lin Allen